MONNAIE : QUART (1 Quart = 1000 Mill)



Histoire de cette république
La République d’Excelsior, une création de Bill Turner, est une nation insulaire située en Amérique du Sud, à proximité des côtes chiliennes. Les ancêtres de la population actuelle s’y installèrent en 1862. Les premiers colons étaient des Européens d’origines différentes qui cherchaient la liberté religieuse. L’île, habitée par des agriculteurs, produit des agrumes et des variétés populaires de raisins. Un système de troc a été utilisé jusqu’à très récemment.
La République d’Excelsior est localisée parmi les îles du sud du Chili, au large de la Terre de Feu. Elle se trouve exactement en 52 31 60 DE Latitude Sud et 72 55 00 de longitude Ouest. Excelsior est à 2,3 miles nautique de l’île de Fiordo et à 4 miles nautique de l’île de Meta. C’est une île montagneuse qui couvre 104,25 Kilomètres carrés, formée de vallées fertiles et de pics rocheux. Le rivage est rocailleux et il n’y a qu’un endroit ou de petits bateaux peuvent naviguer sans danger.
La population est de 398 habitants (en 2003). Formée de deux communautés, des quakers anglais et des Luthériens finlandais, qui avaient dans les années 1850 affrété un bateau pour rejoindre les tropiques dans l’océan pacifique. Echoués en 1858 après une tempête les survivants se regroupèrent et la République d’Excelsior est née. La religion pratiquée est le rite religieux libéral anglais de l’église anglicane. Cette République fonctionne comme une république libre dirigée par des anciens de chaque famille. Ces anciens traitent toutes les affaires gouvernementales.
Depuis quelques années, cette république a développé sa propre monnaie, le Quart, lui-même divisé en Mill (1 quart = 1000 Mill) évalué autour de 5,80 à 5,85 Euros.
La particularité de cette République est l’absence de militaire. En lieu et place d’un service militaire, chaque jeune, homme et femme, se doit de servir la république pendant une période de deux ans. Durant des décennies, les routes, l’infrastructure de l’île et tous les services dépendant du gouvernement ont été assurés par ces jeunes gens. Les anciens ont estimé que cette méthode développerait le sens de la fierté et produirait un citoyen responsable.
L’éducation est actuellement dispensée par l’Etat pour 99 étudiants. Ces derniers originaires de régions éloignées sont logés sur place. L’éducation est financée par les impôts sur la propriété. Une équipe de 10 professeurs dispense l’enseignement. Les étudiants en retour achèvent leur scolarité par 2 années au service du pays. Quelques étudiants poursuivent des études supérieures à l’étranger.
The Republic of Excelsior, a creation of Bill Turner, is an island nation located in South America, close to the coast of Chile. The ancestors of the present population settled it in 1862. The first settlers were Europeans of different origins seeking religious freedom. The island, inhabited by farmers, produces citrus fruits and popular varieties of grapes. A barter system was used until very recent times.
The Most Serene Republic of Excelsior is located among the southern islands of Chile off shore from the Land of Fire. Excelsior is located at Latitude –52 31 60 South and 72 55 00 West. Excelsior is 2.3 nautical miles from Fiordo Isla and 4 nautical miles from Meta Isla.
The Most Serene Republic of Excelsior is a mountainous island covering 104.25 square kilometers. The terrain ranges from fertile valleys to rocky peaks. The shoreline is steep and rocky. There is only one area where small vessels can navigate in good weather.
The population of the Republic is 398. The pleasant, gentle people have been isolated since the late 1850s. The ethnic background is a mix of Finnish and British stock. Religiously speaking, the British sought religious freedom from the Church of England. The Finns sought freedom to practice their religion outside the influence of the Lutheran Church. Both England and Finland had national religions. In both cases, those groups who wanted to practice their own religion were seen as outcasts of society.
The Most Serene Republic of Excelsior was settled in 1858. A sea captain was hired by a small group of Quakers from England and a small group of Laestadian Lutherans from Finland. Both groups, unable to hire a ship themselves, joined together to hire a seaworthy ship and crew to take them to the tropical Pacific Ocean.
The dream for each group was religious freedom on their own tropical isle. Unfortunately, a storm and rough seas around the southern tip of South America put a close to the dream. The shallow waters around the island damaged the vessel beyond repair.
A few died as the ship floundered in the rough seas breaking up in the shallow waters. Survivors managed to come ashore with some cattle and belongings that were saved. From this humble beginning, the Most Serene Republic of Excelsior was born.
While friendships developed at sea, the group quickly learned both groups held to an integrity and honesty in their dealings, deep religious convictions and sense of cooperation common to both groups. The result was a marriage that allowed the small group of settlers to build a self-sufficient society where all needs were met.
Today The Most Serene Republic Of Excelsior operates as a free republic governed by the common will of the elders of each family. The Elders tend to all business of Government.
Unique to the nation is the lack of military. In lieu of such service, each young adult, male and female, is required to serve the Republic for two years. Over the decades, roads have been built, the infastructure of the island nation has been enhanced and all of the typical services of Government have been met by these young adults. The Elders felt this proceedure would develop a sense of pride and produce a productive citizen. Indeed, the level of national pride is great.
Education is provided by the Government with 99 students. Those students from distant areas are housed. Education is funded through taxes on property. A staff of 10 instructors provide the education. Students, upon completion of their education, perform two years of Government service to ‘pay’ for their right to an education. Some students seek higher education abroad.
Languages spoken include both English and Finnish, although English is the language of Government and all school texts are in English. Finnish is taught in school. Most citizens also have an understanding of Spanish language.
The economy is based on dairy farming, raising cattle for food and raising crops, normally in neighborhood and private plots.
There is a young retail trade developing. In the meantime, some supplies are delivered to the island by private concerns on a regular basis. Today there are about 30 small businesses, excluding dairies, ranches and growers. Most operate from the residence of the owner. The retail sector is still very young.
The Government consists of 18 appointed individuals who devote 10 to 15 hours weekly to their sector of Government business. They are paid a token salary. Most are involved with office and clerical duties or oversee the young adults in service to the nation. There is no police force as the nation is self-policing. The Government is funded through a tax on property.
In recent years, a monetary system has been developed. The Quart is valued at about 5.80 to 5.85 Euros. The Quart is divided in to 1,000 Mill.
Windmills are now generating some much needed electrical service on the island although the reach is very limited. Government Office and the business community has electricity at least a few hours a day. Electricity is a priority for the school.
With electricity, the Most Serene Republic of Excelsior has a radio broadcast station. While the Government purchased the needed equipment, the station is operated by a volunteer board. There is no television.
Two weekly newspapers detailing the accounts of the happenings in the nation enjoy a wide circulation. Unlike other newspapers, both of the Excelsior publications print personal accounts from reporters detailing the events of the week in their neighbourhood.
There is no telephone service in Excelsior. Postal services are sporatic overseas as there is little regular shipping service. Local delivery of letters is available. Local Postage Stamps are issued.
There is no airport or air service to Excelsior. There are no motorized vehicles. Shipping service is sporatic at best. Aside from a fairly regular visit by individual ship owners, Excelsior has virtually no access with the outside world. Excelsior is eager to gain access to the world.
Tourism is undeveloped. Few visitors come to Excelsior. Most visit for the unspoilt scenery and genuine people. Generally these visitors camp at locations on the island, hiking about the country.