I am not very good in English but I hope that you will want to see more details of this web site with what follows.
This aim of the web site is trying to share my passion for "billetophilie" (branch of the numismatic only dedicated to the study of bank notes). On this web site, you will find former and current bank notes, old notes, unusual notes, fancy full notes and event forged bank notes.
Living in the French Caribbean's islands in the seventies, my first bank note was my first pocket money (at the time, French West Indies used notes of the Institute of issue of French overseas department), the second, slightly scorched, was saved from the rests of a fire in Guadeloupe.
Twenty years later, I was in Ethiopia for professional reasons and I send a mail explaining our every days life there and I joined to this mail a bank note of one Birr (smallest note with official value in Ethiopia at the time). This mail was sent to 220 countries. I simply asked, to those who found my letter nice, to answer me and send one bank note, the smallest one of the country they were in. I received more than 150 answer with sometime one bank note, sometime two and some others times the entire collection of bank notes of the country they were in. I really just had begun my collection, I had become a "billetophile".
I since have travelled quite a lot and I continue to get bank notes from the countries I have been to, one a non-profit basis, just for the pleasure of improving my collection.
Today I have more than 2300 bank notes, from 225 countries of former countries.
I really wish to thank all those, who, voluntarily or not, contributed and continue to contribute to the improvement of my collection.
If you happen to fund bank notes while cleaning drawers or the attic, and you do not have what to do with those....thank you in advance.